Return and Exchange

Return and Exchange Policy

Each book we sell is checked externally before preparing and sending your order.

Undamaged and suitable quality books are not returned or exchanged. The book, as a product, complies with point 17 of the Retail Trade Rules and is a non-returnable item.

You can find the full list of non-returnable items here:

Please inform us about the condition of poorly made books (damaged cover, mixed pages, missing pages) by e-mail:

In the letter, indicate the name of the product and attach a photo. Pack the goods safely and send them by registered mail or you can bring them to the office:

UAB Petro ofsetas

Naujoji Riovonių 25C, Vilnius


Please provide your name, surname, address and telephone number in the sender's data.

Important: If you are returning a poorly made book, we will pay the shipping costs. Upon receipt of the returned goods, we will inform you by a separate e-mail, no later than 30 days, we will refund your money to the account specified or replace the item with another - quality one. In that case, if a shipping fee was applied to your shipment, the shipping costs will not be refunded.

PLEASE REMEMBER: the book may have minor defects that occurred during its storage, packaging or transportation, often seen in books sold in regular bookstores (e.g. minor scratches on the cover of the book or packaging, slight change in paper color on one of the outer edges, etc.). THIS IS NOT TREATED AS A DEFECTIVE PRODUCT.